3 Best Stock Ideas For 2022 – Renren, Amplify, And Twitter

Here are the easy questions.

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I have written almost 1,000 articles on Seeking Alpha through the years. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read them. I hope that they were – net – lucrative, edifying, and even fun. I invest in and I write about many things to 1) diversify enough that I don’t freak out my LPs and 2) have new things to say to not bore my readers. But what would I be up to without this audience? I get tough questions all the time, but if I didn’t, I’d just refocus all of my capital and my time on the easy questions. In 2022, here are the easiest three questions that I’m actually asking myself. They’re what I’d own and where I’d focus if I had no audience or need for constantly coming up with new content.

  • Renren (RENN): Will we get paid or will some rando judge totally overturn the entire nature of derivative litigation in America? Um, I don’t know for sure but pretty sure not that second one.
  • Amplify (AMPY): Someone dragged an anchor over our pipeline. Were we supposed to sink the ship? We’re the victims here. The spill and related litigation wasn’t a liability. It is an asset.
  • Twitter (TWTR): Will Delaware protect Delaware’s (um really one reason for existing) franchise as a neutral arbiter of contracts or kowtow to crazy Elon stuff? I don’t know but thought an average judge would probably protect the court. Then when I saw who got assigned (or rather more significantly who assigned herself) then I got pretty confident that she would.

If you stripped away all of my lower priorities, this is what would be left. These are what I would put millions of dollars of my own money in this year even if I didn’t do anything else. They have sensationally good expected values and are utterly unreliant on the direction of the overall equity or credit markets. I do other things, too, but those other things are for external audiences. I need to put more than three positions in my hedge fund. I need to write about more than three stocks for my readers. But that other stuff takes on a life of its own. Sometimes I get into lengthy back-and-forth conversations wherein I’m only discussing something because I’m asked and it would otherwise not be a top 100 priority.

If you’re a regular reader you are no doubt familiar with my top priorities, but it is possible that they get lost in the shuffle, so I just wanted to pull out the highlighter to reemphasize how much better these ideas are and thus how much bigger these positions are. If you’re newly following me, then check out my prior work on the names above for background that explains why these are my best ideas and biggest positions.


Only if you like this sort of thing, please continue reading all of my investing ideas. If you want to really simplify it, just load up on RENN, AMPY, and TWTR then head to the beach or the mountains or wherever you like to go for the rest of August. There are no extra points for your number of positions or for difficulty. As Warren Buffett said,

You don’t get any extra points for the fact that something’s very hard to do. So you might as well just step over one-foot bars, instead of trying to jump over seven-foot bars.


Buy RENN, AMPY, and TWTR then go on a vacation.

Where is the best research on these 3?

The best and most timely work is on Sifting the World.  Members get edgy, actionable insights and updates in real time.  My hope and expectation is that the value you get will be orders of magnitude above the price you pay.  Join today or email me at ccdemuth@rangeleycapital.com with any questions.   

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