Dogs of December (2021) | Aussie Stock Forums

I am cleaning out my watchlists while Mr. O’Micron decides what he is going to do, whether to just go forth and multiply or go forth and multiply and cause mayhem.

I would appreciate any additions to the list.

ID8 : This little piglet seems to oscillate between 10c and abrupt ejaculations to 40c or more but bears no long term fruit. It is said to be led by the next generation of a potential millionaires factory, private schoolboys with good connections, who allow large financial transactions to be done securely and seamlessly. CBA threw a few kopeks at this minnow. They can afford to. In this environment it is just another Growth Stock. Show me the money or take a leap in to Ross Creek from the first floor verandah of the Ross Island Hotel until January when I recover from the holiday cheer ID8.

AR9 : Now I would be the first person to admit that I am not the brightest star in the firmament but these guys have been touted as being hyper-intelligent. And for all I know they probably are. Cybersecurity and wearing casual clothing was their initial forte. They have a company based I believe in Gomorrah ACT which has been the recipient of multiple government contracts and funding as well as small amounts of revenue from, well… from I don’t know. And if I don’t know it is small. It also oscillates with less vigour than ID8 from the mid-teens to around 60c and seems to be heading back to a forever young torn Levi existence provided by some American mates with whom it has teamed up. AR9, mate, grab a noodle and follow the idiot down the verandah, sorry I meant to say “Ideate”.




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